Seiyuu Uesaka Sumire’s health condition worsened, forcing her to undergo a few days of medical treatment.

There are bad news if you are a fan of Seiyuu Uesaka Sumire. It is said on her blog that her health condition worsened, that she is unable to attend her event. Moreover, it is stated that, from the doctor’s diagnosis, she is to take a few days off to undergo a medical treatment. She then promised that she will work hard to recover so that she can come back to deliver a beautiful voice for her fans.

Sumipe herself does not elaborate on what caused her condition to worsen, but the fact that she talks about her voices, it might be something related to her vocal capabilities.

Uesaka Sumire herself has been well-known to voice a lot of fan favourite character, such as Kawakami Mai in Musaigen no Phantom World, ChuChu in Show by Rock, Anastasia in THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS, and a few others. Her playful (and occasionally trolling) personality has landed her quite a lot of attention from her fans, aside from her beautiful figure, where she also recently released her latest photobook, SUMIPEDIA.

We wish her a fast and steady recover as she will be appearing in a couple of high-profile concerts in August, such as Cinderella Girls 5th Live Serendipity Parade, and Animelo Summer Live 2017.

Source: Uesaka Sumire’s Line Blog

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